Father’s Day

We're trying out something new, a his-and-hers post that will be a space for us to share thoughts on a common theme.  Our first is perhaps decided more his than hers

We have some unspoken standards for these special holidays (and the entire week of our birthdays!) that say chores are sort of off the table for whomever’s special day it is.  My husband won’t have to do laundry or dishes or even bath time for the Little unless he just wants to.  He gets his pick of restaurant for lunch and/ or the meal of his choice at home.  (Historically, that’s been hot dogs and tater tots since I don’t make those things ever.)  We both play with our kid, since it’s his fault we’re parents anyway, then Daddy is off for the night on a Boy Date.  This involves getting together with some of his favorite dudes to have dinner out, see a movie, and play trivia or bocce somewhere around town.  It’s incredibly relaxing for him and definitely the break he needs.

For me, it's fun to spoil Jared and let him choose things like what music we listen to in the car and where we eat.  Those types are things are typically the kid's choice -- or at least heavily swayed by his desires.  Today we listened to Sara Watkins (and you should too) and ate pizza, one of Jared's favorite foods and a rare treat. 

It's inspiring to see Jared patiently acknowledge Micah's needs, even when those needs are insistent, sudden, and - worst of all - whiney.  He's an excellent daddy, which makes me love him even more deeply. 

The celebration of Father's Day is very special for me.  Yes, it is pretty awesome that I can't get in trouble for not doing chores, and I love that I get to choose dining options that aren't exactly "heart-healthy."  I even get pretty cool gifts from my wife and kiddo on my special day.  All of these things are certainly perks of being a dad, but for me, Father's Day is about more than letting my family spoil me and allowing me to goof off with the guys. 

What I really love about celebrating Father's Day is that Micah actually gets it.  I think he truly understands that I love him more than anything in the world and that nothing he could ever do (and I mean absolutely nothing) could ever change that.  I believe that he gets that I will always have his back and will always support him in who he is and what he does.  He trusts me completely and there is no inkling of doubt in his mind that I love him.  How do I know this?  I know this because of the unsolicited "I love yous" I get at least every hour; I know this because I get the sweetest of hugs and kisses; I know this every time he crawls into my lap with his very pointy knees and elbows and snuggles his head on my chest.

I certainly realize there will come a time when some of these signs of Micah's affection will lessen or stop  altogether.  And believe me, my heart will be broken when that happens.  Even so, I hope I am modeling for him a relationship that is affectionate, unconditional, and unending.  This way, even when he is 14 and too big or too cool to crawl into my lap and give me a kiss on the cheek, there will still be no inkling of doubt in his mind that I love him.  And that, my friends, will make me the happiest dad in the world.  Happy Father's Day!
